Friday, October 18, 2019

Behaviour Organisational Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Behaviour Organisational - Essay Example The margin of error was close to zero and thus demanded immaculate precision. Area Director was given complete autonomy to carry out the task but the situation was filled with tremendous amount of unknown variables. To counter these variables he wanted a team that would cooperate with him in giving shape to his vision. With no employee data to help him select a team, Area Director had to take special permission to induct outsiders in this project. To complete his team he sought help from the headquarters who came up with few options, from which Area Director selected two more members. In this way he completed his team and used it to get this magnanimous task done. His team-mates have a very high opinion regarding his leadership style, and their responses regarding his leadership help us to conclude that Area Director is amongst the small coterie of gifted leaders. Introduction: Leadership can be defined as the ability of a person to communicate a group in such a manner that his commu nicated words motivate and encourage every individual in the group to accomplish the tasks which they never thought of accomplishing (Vaill, 1989). Thus by undertaking this form of communication the presumed leader is inspiring a change in his group. He is motivating his group to embrace the change and work towards the accomplishment of a single vision (Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2008). The duty to articulate a unifying vision lies with the leader. Although, many people consider leadership as synonymous to management, which is unfortunately wrong. Similarly, a manager is also different from a leader in several ways. His job is to deal with complexities, implement the vision and strategies provided by the leader, undertake coordination and staffing activities and handle day to day operations of the enterprise. For organizations both these individuals are important to operate optimally (Zarmansky, Jessup, Terrance, 2011). Especially in today’s fast changing world organizations as well as countries require leaders who can communicate a shared vision, challenge the status quo, inspire his surrounding environment to undergo the laborious process of change, and last but not the least go on to accomplish the goals which the leader set out in his vision (Yammarino, 2003). To complement the role played by a leader, a manger is required who could formulate a detailed plan, create efficient organizational structure and oversee day-to-day operations (Wentz, 1999). People have long been in the hunt to discern traits which can distinguish a leader from a non-leader. In this regard people have focused on trait theories of leadership (John, and Folkman, 2002). Using these theories people has classified leaders as charismatic, enthusiastic and courageous. However researches conducted on trait theories have never succeeded in isolating leadership traits. In addition to these theories people have also search for factors like personality, social, physical, or intellectual at tributes that would help in identifying a leader. After a tedious era of searching for leadership traits researchers finally came up with seven most like traits that distinguished a leader from a non-leader (Avolio, & Bass, 1987). These traits were: ambition and energy, the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, high self-monitoring, job-relevant knowledge (Leader to Leader Institute, 2004). However, the failure of different

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