Tuesday, October 15, 2019

QUESTION SET Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

QUESTION SET - Movie Review Example The story would change drastically if told by someone else other than Martha since they do not understand the real hardships due to lack of contact with the women. This would overshadow the real struggles of women. Things left behind provide evidence of the living conditions during a historical period (Richard, 1997). They help us understand the experiences through reconnection. An example is Martha’s diary helps us to see her world and make a film depicting her life and experiences as a midwife. Other remote issues such as religious conflicts affected the ordinary lives of people. They reduced interactions among community members sharing differences in this remote factors. As a result, racism becomes an issue and an ordinary way of life making it difficult for ordinary people to relate with those of opposite race. Racism is seen as big issue at the time when mothers states she uses the same speed and skill to deliver white women and black women proving race was there but she did not let it affect her (Richard, 1997). The movie helps us understand the struggles faced by women during the post-revolutionary period. It helps to shed light on medical practices, religious animosity and sexual roles in the 18th century. These issues still affect us right now and, therefore, the movie can help individuals recognize this issues and address them

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