Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Social Networing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Networing - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that  the early social networking practices were focused on bringing people to a common platform by using chat rooms. With the advanced information technology, the social networking practices have become more viral in nature. Social networking activities have started impacting people in various ways.  According to the report findings the primary aim of social networking is to expand the contact base by connecting to various people. Almost all social networking sites try to build their platform towards this common goal. May be the purpose of connecting an individual differs from one social networking site to another but ultimately it is all about connecting to people. For instance, LinkedIn will be used by people who love to develop their professional contacts whereas SparkLives will be used by people who share a common interest, healthy living. Likewise, there are numerous other social networking platforms that are dedicated to a particular domain. People who understand the purpose of networking would get benefit from these dedicated communities or networking sites.  Globalization is making world smaller by breaking country barriers and social networking fueling this globalization in various ways.  Globalization is what making global economy much stronger. With the increasing social networking activities for past 10 years, the world has become much smaller as people from various countries interact and share information on a single platform.

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